LSGI SERVICES, a Belgian public limited company with a capital of 100,000 euros, with its registered office located at Avenue Louise 81, Box 12, B-1050 Brussels, registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under number 0670.670.767 (RPM Brussels, French-speaking division), represented by its legal representative Bárbara HERNÁNDEZ-MORA Phone number: +32 2 646 01 25 @:
SCCD, a public limited company with a capital of 300,000 euros, with its registered office located at 67 Boulevard Grande Duchesse-Charlotte – 1331 Luxembourg, registered under number B198407 with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register, represented by its legal representative Sébastien HULEUX Phone number: +352 26 20 34 09 @:
EBRC S.A, a public limited company with a capital of 9,905,372 €, with its registered office located at 5, rue Eugène Ruppert, Tower A, L-2453 Luxembourg, registered under number B 72585 with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register Phone number: +352 26 06 1 @: Contact
Website: refers to the website
Group: refers to the group formed by SCC France, SCC Spain, SCC Belgium, SCC Italy, LSGI Switzerland, AMS United Arab Emirates, AMS Africa, and any subsidiary;
Company: refers to any company belonging to the Group
User(s): refers to any user of the Website
The Company disclaims all responsibility for the content available on other websites to which it has created links or which may have been created without its knowledge. Access to all other websites linked to this Website is at the User's own risk and according to the laws and regulations in force in the relevant country.
The Website is not intended for people subject to jurisdictions where (due to the nationality of the people, their place of residence, or any other reason) the distribution or access to this Website is prohibited. Persons subject to such restrictions should not access the Website.Although the Company makes every effort to obtain information from sources it deems reliable, it does not guarantee in any way that all the information or opinions presented on the Website are accurate, reliable, and complete. The information and opinions disseminated on the Website are provided for informational purposes and personal use only. They are subject to change without notice.
The Company offers Users access to this Website based on (and relying on) your acceptance of all the following terms and conditions.
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